atrafanaStudies Flamenco Guitar Technique Programme
atrafanaStudies Flamenco Guitar Technique Training Programme is a biweekly course delivery system that lasts for one year.
Once activated, the atrafanaStudies package will send you an exercise package once every 2 weeks for one year.
atrafanaStudies is particularly suited to people who don't have the time or means to take private lessons.
atrafanaStudies is the closest you can get to taking private lessons from atrafanaSchool.
The lessons you will receive via atarafaStudies are EXCLUSIVE for it's syllabus. Meaning, they are different than all the other study resources presented at the STORE. So, if you have already acquired material from the STORE, you can still enrol in the atrafanaStudies programme. The lessons will be new...
After each lesson, you will have 2 weeks to practise it in your own time. Then you will receive another lesson, so and so forth...
Each exercise package will contain:
- instructional videos (if applicable)
- a slow tutorial video
- full speed demo
- tef and pdf standard notation and tabs
- a long list of links to atrafanaSchool video training resources
1 - Picado Basics
2 - Picado exercise
3 - Free Stroke A
4 - Free Stroke B
5 - Free Stroke - Solea
6 - Arpeggio Drill
7 - Arpeggio - solea
8 - Free stroke and arpeggio combined
9 - Arpeggio - Guajira
10 - Rasgueado Drills
11 - Rasgueado Buleria
12 - Tremolo Fundamentals
13 - Tremolo Solea
14 - Tremolo Farruca
15 - Tremolo Taranta
16 - Flamenco Pulgar
17 - Pulgar Solea
18 - Pulgar Buleria
19 - Pulgar Seguiriya
20 - Alzapua Basics
21 - Alzapua Buleria
22 - Alzapua Solea
23 - Alzapua Fandango
24 - Short buleria in D# part 1
25 - Short buleria in D# part 2
26 - Short Buleria Por Arriba
This membership will automatically end after 12 months
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